Liberation from the cycle of birth and death is possible through Kriya Yoga - Swami Swaroopanand


Sachchidanand Verma

Noida. Mahavtar Babaji Smriti Diwas was celebrated at Yogada Ashram in Sector 62. On this occasion, meditation, bhajan, kirtan and discourse were organized in the divine atmosphere of the ashram.

It is known that Kriya Yoga, which had almost become extinct in the modern era, was given to the whole world again by Mahavtar Babaji through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya. Lord Shri Krishna has described Kriya Yoga in the Gita. Mahavtar Babaji Smriti Diwas is celebrated on 25 July because on this day Mahavtar Babaji gave darshan to Paramhansa Yogananda at his residence in Kolkata before going to America.

While giving a discourse in the program organized on the occasion of Smriti Diwas in the ashram, Swami Swaroopanand said that it is possible for a human being to get liberation from the cycle of birth and death by practicing Kriya Yoga. He said that liberation can be achieved even in domestic life by practicing Kriya Yoga. Provided that worldly life is spent selflessly and without attachment. He told that Babaji has emphasized on adopting humility.

Quoting Paramhansa Yogananda's world famous book Yogi Kathamrit, Swami Swaroopanand told that Babaji had told Lahiri Mahasaya to initiate Kriya Yoga only to deserving disciples. But on the insistence of Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji allowed initiation of Kriya Yoga to interested worldly people as well.

Quoting Daya Mata's book Keval Prem, Swami Swaroopanand told that Babaji had told Daya Ma that devotees need not come to the cave to find me. Whoever remembers me with devotion will get my response. When Daya Mata asked Babaji about his form, Babaji told that my form is love, because it is only love that can change this world.

Swami Lalitananda, Swami Sadananda and Swami Nityananda were also present in the Smriti Diwas program.

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